This is where you will find instructions on how to prepare an assortment of foods, meals, snacks, juices, etc. that have become a Daily Offering to the Most High within us all that desires to Embrace a Second Genesis Diet and Lifestyle. But to begin, adam’t has a little video on his name…Adam T. Gardener, PhC. Hope you enjoy t.h.a. Feast!!
Hopefully you’ve seen the Metaphor video and will see “the fun” of using this Ancient and Unique form of communication in our daily lives and in how we Identify Ourselves in a world filled with Death Consciousness.
STORYTIME: adam’t Shares a Personal Experience
This video Shares an Experience of how powerful a living, raw plant-based protein drink was for someone in adamt’s life. It is one of thousands of such occurances now…here in America…as more and more of us discover the Redemption found in…genetically encoded within…The Original Happy Meal©.
CANTELOPE…ING: adam’t Shares One More…
Awhile back adam’t went on a Journey of Wonders into the northern California farming region around Sacramento on his way to pick up over 100 pounds of melons to finish up a fast he was on. It’s light and funny…maybe only to him…
A Passionate & Compassionate Gardener, Susan takes us on a tour of her garden and it’s Intent.
SUSAN’S SQUASH: Tips and Thoughts
Susan shares with us her thoughts on the challenges she has faced in this desert environment.
It’s just this easy…to make a fruit smoothie in a matter of five minutes. And the smoothie can be added to with ground up sprouted wheat or oats just to bring that “Sprouted Life” into the picture. It’s incredibly nutritious and it will keep in the fridge (lid off) for four days…maybe five. More on this to come…
This video is called One2Three…because that’s just how easy it is, today, to make yourself some amazing herbal tea. In the last section of our curriculum Book 2, The Second Genesis Transformation: Passage to Spontaneous Regeneration, there is a section on herbal tea formula’s and how easy it is to experiment with this vital herbal nutrients. Tea for dissolving kidney stones, tea for hair, skin and nails, etc. will be found there.
There is nothing to compare to the Vital Life contained within just a couple ounces of freshly cut & juiced wheatgrass. There are many personal Stories of this amazing juice and it’s ability to Restore Life to those who have “fallen prey” to life’s constant health challenges. It’s easy to grow in a tray…behind some glass on a south facing wall or even in your own little garden space. Much is Shared in Book 2 on this Wonder-filled Blessing of Mother Nature.